Thursday, January 21, 2010


. Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jare Bae

Jare bae "biarkan saja". bukan berarti tidak perhatian terhadap yang lain, tapi ini lebih bersifat kediri sendiri. Karena apapun yang dilakukan pasti suatu saat akan mendapatkan imbalan, jika perbuatan baik akan mendapatkan kebaikan pula, begitu sebaliknya jika yang dilakukan buruk maka buruk pula yang akan diperoleh. Yang terbaik bagi kita biarkan saja, toh mereka juga sudah tahu. Kalaupun belum tahu, semoga dengan ini akan tahu.

Ini lebih baik dari pada kita selalu memaksakan kehendak kita, padahal belum tentu orang yang diajak itu mau. Dan kalau mau, belum tentu kemamuan itu seratus persen murni dari keinginan hatinya.

Dan jika ini bermanfaat gunakanlah, tapi bila itu tak ada gunanya abaikanlah. Jare bae apa adanya yang tidak usah neko-neko, biar lambat asal selamat.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Travel Tips

. Sunday, January 17, 2010

Last Vegas is the second most popular city in the world. Offering entertainment, casinos, galleries, museums and amusement parks, the city enjoys a lot of activity all through the year. Trying to get the best out of the competition, every hotel offers a price that suits every customer. Whether you are on a tight budget or you are free to spend any amount of money, Las Vegas hotels let you have it all.

Before making a trip to Las Vegas, you should ensure that you at least have place to stay. Since the city has traffic all through the year, it will not be a good idea to just to show up at any Las Vegas hotel and expect to have a room available at a good price. Therefore, use the internet to makes reservations before time. Not only is this a convenient method for you but, it also helps you compare the prices and services offered by various hotels. You can books yourself a hotel room within your budget. You should then choose the hotel price and activities that appeal to you the most and gather more information regarding that hotel. This information can include the location of the hotel, the maps, brochures, room facilities, reviews about the hotels and the facilities offered in the amount you are willing to pay. After gathering all the required information, all you need to do is book yourself a Las Vegas hotel room or suite by simply filling a form online. In addition, you could always call on the hotel’s helpline to lessen your curiosity and chances are that they might even tell you about more deals the hotel is presenting that can get you a discount.

It, however, requires a lot of concentration when you are comparing the prices between the hotels. Some hotels may be cheap and others may be cheaper. Las Vegas hotels are for everyone – rich or poor. High-quality luxury is available for those who have money to burn and a variety of cheaper and decent amounts are available for those who are vacationing on a tight budget. Because of the tourist traffic, the hotels are constantly competing to get the higher number of visitors. In this competition, the price drops down and even a classy hotel will offer such cheap packages for a few nights stay, you will be amazed. On the other hand, there are always hotels available off “The Strip” which are cheaper to start with.

Booking your hotel room at the end of the weekend or one day before the weekend is ideal since Las Vegas hotels usually are booked on weekends. If you are looking for cheaper rates, hotels such as the Hampton Inn, Boulder Station Hotel & Casino, Hawthorn Suites, Desert Paradise Resort, Orleans, Cancun Resort, Golden Gate Hotel & Casino, and the Stratosphere Tower are a few names that one could mention. However, when one says ‘cheap’ in Las Vegas, do not make up an image of some low-class area covered in dirt and scum. Cheap in Vegas still means a very nice room with many amenities.

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